"Hotel Tutorial" by "Tutorial Guide" Use full-length room descriptions. Chapter 1 - Kinds A drawer is a kind of container. A drawer is always openable and closed. A thing can be transparent or opaque. A thing is usually opaque. A window is a kind of thing. A window is always scenery. A window is usually transparent. A thing can be examined, reexamined or unexamined. A thing is usually unexamined. A room can be examined, reexamined or unexamined. A room is usually unexamined. After examining something: now the noun is examined. After looking: now the location is examined. Chapter 2 - The Player The description of the player is "You look fit and healthy. You're wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. You have a small bracelet in your left arm. 'Hotel Tutorial' is written on the bracelet." The tutorial bracelet is carried by the player. The printed name is "hotel bracelet". The description is "You read: Hotel Tutorial. Is one of those bracelets they give you in hotels, to know you're staying there in the buffet lines and bars." Instead of dropping the tutorial bracelet, say "These bracelets never come out easily. You'll need to find something to cut it with if you want to remove it." The small tutorial key is carried by the player. The description is "A small brass key." The printed name is "small key". Chapter 3 - Places and stuff Section 1 - Tutorial Room The tutorial 42 room is a room. The printed name is "Tutorial Room". The description is "[if unvisited]You wake up in a strange room, with no idea how you got there. Were you kidnapped? Did you get drunk? What happened? [end if]The room is small and poorly lighted. [if the lamp is switched off]You can't see anything, except that there is a lamp in a nightstand by the bed.[otherwise]The day is starting to enter through a small window, but the lamp lightens most of it. As for furniture, there isn't much to look at: a nightstand with a drawer, next to a shaky bed, and a dresser with three drawers, all covered in dust. The only reasonable way out of the room - you're not going to jump out the window! - is a door leading north.[end if] [if unvisited] [italic type]The preceding text is the description of your location, but this time it's not very helpfull since you're in the dark. We should try to switch on the lamp and give the room a better look. Try it: type '[bold type]switch the lamp on[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]." The tutorial bed is in the tutorial room. The tutorial bed is scenery. The printed name is "room bed". The description is "A messy bed with cheap sheets." The tutorial nightstand is in the tutorial room. The tutorial nightstand is scenery. The printed name is "nightstand". The description is "Very old and very worn. The wood is chiped in many places." The tutorial nightstand drawer is part of the tutorial nightstand. It is a drawer. The printed name is "nightstand drawer". The tutorial wallet is a container in the tutorial nightstand drawer. The printed name is "wallet". The description is "It is empty." The tutorial dresser is scenery in the tutorial room. The printed name is "dresser". "It's tilted due to one of its legs beeing broken. The wood is stained in several places." The tutorial top drawer is a drawer. The printed name is "top drawer". The tutorial bottom drawer is a drawer. The printed name is "bottom drawer". The tutorial middle drawer is a drawer. The printed name is "middle drawer". The tutorial top drawer and the tutorial bottom drawer and the tutorial middle drawer are part of the tutorial dresser. The tutorial wooden box is in the tutorial top drawer. The tutorial box is a closed, openable, locked container. The printed name is "wooden box". The description is "A small wooden box with a small lock." The matching key of the tutorial box is the small tutorial key. The tutorial room key is in the tutorial box. The printed name is "room key". The tutorial key tag is part of the tutorial room key. The description is "The tag reads: 'Hotel Tutorial - Room 42'." The tutorial note is part of the tutorial box. The description is "The note reads: [bold type]«Two Ways To Save Time When Playing IF Games Instead of typing EXAMINE --> just type X [line break](example: 'x bed' will examine the bed) Instead of typing LOOK --> just type L»[roman type]" The tutorial lamp is a device on the tutorial nightstand. The tutorial lamp is switched off. The tutorial lamp is scenery. The printed name is "lamp". "Cheap lamp, made of brass and some tissue riped in places." Before switching on the lamp: now the location is unexamined. The tutorial window is a window in the tutorial room. The printed name is "room window". "The window is closed and the blinds are praticaly shut, although you can see what it appears to be a lake outside." The tutorial blinds is part of the tutorial window. The description is "White blinds, but there is no visible way to pull them up or down. Strange..." Understand "blind" as blinds. The tutorial 42 door is north of the tutorial room. It is a door. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the tutorial door is the tutorial room key. The tutorial door is scenery. The printed name is "room door". The description is "[if the player is in the tutorial 42 room]Someone scratched some words on the door. It reads: IT ALL ENDS AND IT ALL BEGINS ON THE OTHER SIDE.[otherwise]A normal, green door leading to the room number 42." Before opening the tutorial 42 door: if the door is locked: now the tutorial door is reexamined. After taking the tutorial wallet for the first time: say "Sadly, the wallet is empty: not one ID card, not one coin. You keep it anyway." Before taking inventory for the first time: say "You search all of your pockets." After taking inventory for the first time: now the player is reexamined. After taking the tutorial room key for the first time: say "You take the room key."; award 1 point; say "You also notice that someone wrote a small note in the bottom of the box.". Section 2 - Hallway The Tutorial Hallway is north of the tutorial door. The description is "This hallway is not very bright. All the lamps have a weak output. The carpets are vivid red, but worn and dirty. The portrait of a very sad man is on the wall. It is covered in dust. This floor seems to have four rooms. To the south is the room where you woke up: room number 42. To the east is room number 41. To the west is room number 43. To the northwest is room number 44. Something strikes you as odd: you don't see an elevator or a stairway. It seems impossible to leave Hotel Tutorial. There is also a large metal sign near room number 41." The tutorial sign is scenery in the tutorial hallway. The description is "The sign reads: [italic type][bold type]Congratulations![roman type][italic type] You have now played the tutorial game and learnt the very basic actions in many IF games. There are alot more actions, of course - any verb can be an action (pull, climb, wear, eat, remove, etc) and the number of possible actions in a game depends on the game itself. To learn more about Interactive Fiction, visit: http://www.brasslantern.org/beginners/ [bold type]For now your options are:[roman type][italic type] [line break]-- start playing the Main Game by typing '[bold type]restart[roman type][italic type]' and skipping the tutorial. [line break]-- keep exploring Hotel Tutorial on your own. Type '[bold type]look[roman type][italic type]' to have another look at the hallway. [bold type]Some other things you should know:[roman type][italic type] [line break]-- to save your progress in an IF game: type '[bold type]save[roman type][italic type]' [line break]-- to restore a previously saved game: type '[bold type]restore[roman type][italic type]' [line break]-- most games have hints and help menus: you can try and type '[bold type]hints[roman type][italic type]' or '[bold type]help[roman type][italic type]' or '[bold type]about[roman type][italic type]' to check it out. I hope you enjoy your game and find the worlds of Interactive Fiction as fascinating as I do! With my best compliments,[line break] The Tutorial Guide" The tutorial portrait is scenery in the tutorial hallway. The description is "A very - very - sad man." The tutorial 41 door is east of the tutorial hallway. The printed name is "door to room number 41". The tutorial 43 door is west of the tutorial hallway. The printed name is "door to room number 43". The tutorial 44 door is northwest of the tutorial hallway. The printed name is "door to room number 44". The tutorial 41 door and the tutorial 43 door and the tutorial 44 door are locked doors. Chapter 4 - New Actions Looking through it is an action applying to one thing. Understand "look through [something]" as looking through it. Check looking through it: if the noun is opaque, say "It's opaque." instead. Carry out looking through it: if the noun is the tutorial window, say "Although the blinds are almost shut, you can see what it appears to be a lake outside. The sun seems to be rising." instead. [This isn't working and I don't know why] Chapter 5 - The Hint System Every turn: if the player is in the tutorial hallway: if the tutorial sign is unexamined: say "[italic type]Well, let's just [bold type]read the sign[roman type][italic type] and then you'll be on your own!"; otherwise if the lamp is switched off: say "[italic type]We should try to switch on the lamp and give the room a better look. Try it: type '[bold type]switch the lamp on[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the location is unexamined: say "[italic type]Ok, let's give the room another look. Try it: type '[bold type]look[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the player is unexamined: say "[italic type]So, now you have a better description of your location, but how about yourself? How are you? Are you dressed? Are you bleeding? Are you clean? You should look at yourself to find out. Try it: type '[bold type]examine myself[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial door is unexamined: say "[italic type]Now let's figure out how to leave the room. First let's examine the room with more detail, starting with the door. Try it: type '[bold type]examine door[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial door is examined: say "[italic type]A good move would be getting this door open. Try it: type '[bold type]open door[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial nightstand drawer is closed: say "[italic type]So how do you find that key? Well, you explore the location. Let's first search the nightstand's drawer. Try it: type '[bold type]open the nightstand drawer[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial wallet is in the tutorial nightstand drawer: say "[italic type]Some objects in IF games can be taken and carried. They may be usefull in some other part of the game. Try to take this wallet: type '[bold type]take wallet[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the player is examined: say "[italic type]You now have a wallet - but what else? You can have a list of the items you carry by checking the inventory. Try it: type 'i' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial top drawer is closed: say "[italic type]So it appears you have a key with you - you had it all along, but only when you checked the inventory you found it. Anyway, this key is too small to be the room key. Let's keep searching. How about that dresser with three drawers? Try to open one of them: type '[bold type]open top drawer[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial box is unexamined: say "[italic type]Hmm... a wooden box? Let's examine it further. Try it: type '[bold type]examine box[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial box is locked: say "[italic type]Maybe that small key of yours is to unlock this box. Try it: type '[bold type]unlock box with small key[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial box is closed: say "[italic type]We can open it now! I wonder what is inside! Try it: type '[bold type]open box[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial room key is in the tutorial box: say "[italic type]Now that looks like the key to that door! It has a hotel number tag and all. You should take it. Try it: type '[bold type]take room key[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial note is unexamined: say "[italic type]A good idea would be to read the note in the bottom of the box. Try it: type '[bold type]read note[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER[roman type]."; otherwise if the tutorial 42 door is locked: say "[italic type]Now you have a room key and a locked door. What can you do? You can unlock and open the door, of course. Try it: type '[bold type]unlock door with room key[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER."; otherwise if the tutorial 42 door is closed: say "[italic type]And finally: type '[bold type]open door[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER."; otherwise if the player is in the tutorial 42 room: say "[italic type]Most Interactive Fiction games handle the player's movement with compass directions. For instance, this door leads north. Try it: type '[bold type]north[roman type][italic type]' and press ENTER." Chapter 6 - Begining the game Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. When play begins: say "[italic type]Hello there! So you are new to Interactive Fiction? You don't even really know what Interactive Fiction is? Interactive Fiction is a genre of computer games that rely pretty much on text: what happens in the game, the description of the locations and your instructions are all text-based. How such a thing is played? Well, I'm here to help you. I'm the Tutorial Guide. We're going to play a very small game together, so that you can hurry back to enjoy the main game. [roman type]Press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key.